Friday, November 23, 2012


On 11/20/12 I made an observation of my microaquarium.  This observation went very similar to my previous ones.  The biggest thing I noticed was the growth in life, there was more living organisms and they were also larger.  I also noticed that there were several more flageolets than in previous observations.

Friday, November 16, 2012


On 11 / 13 / 12 I made another observation of my microaquarium.  There is not much going on, the biggest change is that as time goes along there are more living organisms in my microaquarium.  There are also more diatoms in my aquarium as well.  Along with more living organisms they are also growing, becoming larger.  The organism that I noticed the greatest growth in was the Euplotes.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Observation After Food Pellet

On 10/ 30/12 I made my observation.  After the Betta Food Pellet was added I have begun to see many changes in my microaquarium.  To start I noticed a lot more life in my microaquarium than I did at the start.  At the start I had one Cyclops and now I have two and they are also larger now (Smith 2001).  I also saw several Cyclidum in my microaquarium (Patterson 1996).  The Cyclidum are slow moving and are a little more stationary than normal.  I also saw Euplotes in my microaquarium (Patterson 1996).  All the organisms seemed to be swarming the food pellet for food, so this was the best place to make observations.